We know it can be very overwhelming to have a new member of the family. To make it a little easier, we have created our Pet Learning Center. Here you can find information about the main issues you need to know for your pet living in Florida. Below you will find information for dog, cat, and other pet health, behavior, nutrition, training and animal care tips provided by our veterinarians.
Rabies in Dogs
What is it?
Rabies is probably the most feared disease. The rabies virus attacks the brain and is always fatal. Dogs are exposed to rabies by bites from wild animals particularly skunks, raccoons, bats and foxes. Rabies can be transmitted to humans through the bite or scratch of an infected pet
How to prevent it?
A Rabies vaccine is a mandatory vaccine that needs to be administered to your dog. Depending on the vaccine type, it can given every 1 year or 3 years. If you have a dog, even if they don’t go outside, they must get vaccinated as soon as possible.
By state law, your dog must be vaccinated against rabies by the age of four months and the rabies must be kept current throughout the dog’s lifetime. At animal services, dogs over three months of age are vaccinated prior to adoption. Your dog was tested for intestinal parasites and received deworming medication. The need for additional deworming will be determined by your veterinarian.
Rabies in Cats
What is it?
Rabies is a fatal viral disease affecting the central nervous system of all mammals, including humans. It commonly is spread by contact with saliva from an infected animal, through bite wounds or through a break in skin.
Cats are at increased risk for several reasons:
-Cats are more likely to roam at night and come into contact with rabid nocturnal wild animal, such as skunks, raccoons and bats.
-Rural cats are more numerous the rural dogs.
-House cats that go outdoors occasionally are also at risk through exposure to others cats or wild animals.
-Because most cats are not vaccinated, they are vulnerable to rabies infection.
How to prevent it?
Vaccination of your cat by your veterinarian is important because it not only protects your cat from the disease, but protects you from being exposed to a potential source of rabies vaccination. Also, most local governments require rabies vaccination for the cats as one way to limit the exposure to humans. There is no cure for the disease once the symptoms appear and it is always fatal.
Protecting your pet from the FLORIDA heat
We know no one would intentionally try to harm them pet, but most occurrences are accidents that could have been avoided. A common misconception is that leaving a pet in the car with a cracked window is safe, IT IS NOT! Please spread the word, HEAT KILLS! Watch this Video to learn more
Do NOT leave a dog or cat in a closed vehicle,
Symptoms of heat stroke:
Excessive panting and drooling
Lower the body temperature by submerging in water or running a hose over the animal.
It is very important to cool the animals head.
Put the animal in an air condition vehicle or building, or at least, in the shade.
Call a veterinarian emergency team immediately at 813-956-2370
If you see an animal in heat distress in a parked vehicle, IMMEDIATELY notify a law enforcement officer, and call Animal Services at 813-744-5660 or call Abraam Animal Hospital 813-961-7770